Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day

Last night, we got about 3-4 inches of snow.  While it was snowing, Joe took Carli out to look at it.  She wasn't impressed and was ready to go back inside the house.

This morning, I showed Carli the snow and asked if she wanted to go out and play for a little while.    "YES!" was the quick reply.  So we bundled up in our warm coats, mittens, and boots and headed outside.  I was worried how she would react since the last time it snowed, she cried and didn't like it at all!  Today was completely different.  She had a blast.  She made a "snowball" which was just putting a bunch of snow in her hands and threw it.  She even made a snow angel.  I think she likes snow now.

my snowball

Can you see her angel?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Carli's First Trip to the Dentist

Today was Carli's first trip to the dentist.  We were a little nervous about how she would do since she is not doing well with people she doesn't know.  I checked out books from our school library about going to the dentist and we read several during the week.  We talked about how she would look inside her mouth to see how her teeth were growing.  I told her she would put her fingers inside her mouth.  We saw pictures of the instruments that would be used.

Thursday, Joe picked up Carli from preschool and took her to see Dr. Amy Jo.  When Carli got in the chair, the hygienist told her about the tools she was going to use. She called the tooth brush a tickle monster.  Then she pulled out some nice hooks and touched each one of her teeth and counted all of her teeth.  Then she tried to clean Carli's teeth, but she wouldn't let her until she  tasted the bubblegum flavored tooth polish.  She showed Carli the water pistol that shot water into her mouth.  Then she showed her the suction monster that sucked all the water out of her mouth.  Carli didn't like it, so Carli swallowed the water.  The hygienist let Carli play with the suction tube.  Then she went over to the table and got a piece of string and asked Carli what it was.  Carli knew it was dental floss.  Then she painted fluoride on her teeth after telling Carli it would be sticky.  Carli did very well as it was applied.  

After the cleaning, Carli played with the tools while waiting for Dr. Amy Jo.  When Amy Jo came in, she said this was the first time meeting Carli after hearing so much about her.  Amy Jo checked her teeth and said she had beautiful teeth.  Carli was given a goodie bag with a new Disney princess tooth brush and tooth paste inside.  She couldn't wait to get home to show it to Mommy.

Opening her mouth like a big girl!

not liking the light in her eyes

all done!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to Carli!

Today Carli turned three years old!  Where have the years gone?

Sunday,  we gave a party for Carli with her family.  Carli was in her element.  She was running around talking to everyone!  She was never still.  When it was time for cake, she was all over it.  She had a little trouble blowing out the candles.  She has still not gotten the concept of "blowing" out.  She still spits a little.

Still having some trouble making the 3 with her fingers. She has to hold down the pinky with her other hand. 

a dollhouse from mommy & daddy

This morning, Carli was up and raring to go!  We took raisins for her class to share in celebration of her day which made her happy.  She said they sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

Tonight, we had small presents from us and a cupcake for her to celebrate.  My favorite was when she had the cupcake and told us we needed to sing to her.  Then she wouldn't let us!
waiting patiently for presents


Happy Birthday to my special little girl!  Our lives are so enriched and blessed with you in it!  We hope to continue to love you and celebrate birthdays with your for many years to come!
