Friday, February 18, 2011

Carli is walking!!!

On January 29th, Carli took her first step! Kyle, Nancy, Meredith and Hunter were over at the house for dinner. After eating, we were all in the living room, when Carli just let go of the TV table and took one step. Needless to say, I screamed-scaring Joe. Nancy saw it too. Carli just laughed and laughed before dropping to the floor and crawling. Over the next few weeks, Carli would still only take one or two steps and only when prompted. She didn't really let go and just take one. Then around Valentine's Day, she began to get a little braver. She would come to the end of a table or chair or the wall and take a step or two-but not over 4. Last night, February 17th, Joe put Carli down to put Lucy out. As he walked away from her, Carli began to cry. Joe stopped across the room and looked at her and asked, "What is it?" Carli walked over to him-about 16 steps! For the rest of the night, Carli would continue to get up and use her new found confidence to walk. Over and over she would let go and take steps. Won't be long until she is really moving!
