Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beach or Bust!

From July 24-29, Carli went to Emerald Isle with Daddy, Mommy, and Poppie (Elaine's dad). She had quite the good time!
Carli showed the waves no mercy! She loved to run in the spray and tried to "step over" the waves as they crashed against the shore. Most of the time, the waves would knock her down as she tried to walk into or out of the water. She would just laugh and laugh as she went back for more!
Carli loved the sand too. She enjoyed digging holes and picking up fists full of sand. She even helped her Daddy build a few small sand castles. She had a "sand snack" and took a sea shell hunting walk with her Poppie. She tried, unsuccessfully, to bring a bunch of sand home in her swim suit. She also tried to catch the sea gulls that were flying everywhere. Once Poppie threw a piece of a sea shell away and the gulls thought he was feeding them. Took a long time to get them to leave us alone.
On Thursday, we went to the pier and let the wind whip through our hair. Carli even tried to see what was WAY below, but couldn't get out of her stroller...much to her dismay. Then it was off to Dairy Queen for a little ice cream to beat the heat. Carli couldn't decide if she like the chocolate Daddy & Poppie had or the Peanut Buster Parfait Mommy was eating. Either way, she got lots of icold ice cream.
Carli really liked being with her Poppie. She chased him, laughed with him, played with him, and just enjoyed being with him. But everyone was glad to be home and sleep in their own bed!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

1 & 1/2 years old!

Hard to believe that Carli turned 1 1/2 years old just a few weeks ago. She is really growing and her personality is shining through.

What do I love?
  • the way her face lights up when Daddy gets home or when she sees Elmo anywhere!
  • hearing her giggle as she plays
  • her independence as she eats oatmeal with a spoon
  • watching her find her favorites in flowers that she must touch and anything with polka dots
  • learning body parts or how to pucker up & give a kiss
  • listening to her talk-some words are clear ("here" and a very southern "hey") and some not as often as she once did ("mommy" & "daddy"); adding new words this summer ("bye-bye" & "uh-oh")
  • RUNNING through the house just laughing as she chases cats that scurry across the baby gates to get where she can't go
  • watching her dance and clap to music
  • seeing her pull all the books off the shelf in her room to find just the right book to sit down and read
  • her beautiful smile and expressive eyes-she is gonna cause trouble for her daddy when she gets older!
  • listening to her snore as she sleeps
  • the look on her face as she eats a piece of ice
  • her tiny little feet

What drives me crazy?

  • pulling everything out of drawers, baskets, paper from the printer...just about anything and everything she can get her hands on.
  • struggling to get her to eat... She loves Joe's jalapeno potato chips and my pesto pasta. She could drink her weight in milk if we'd let her..
  • Fits of anger when she doesn't get her way or when you have to change a diaper as she rather play.
  • waking up at more sleeping in during the summer vacations
  • teething...will she ever be finished?

Would I change a thing?

Nope...I love her more and more every day. I can't wait to see what is right around the next corner with her.
