Pumpkin Patch Time
Saturday, October 15th, we took Carli to a pumpkin patch in Winston-Salem. This was a fun afternoon of running around. Of course, she had to kiss the ghosts & pumpkins. She also had to touch most of the flowers that were for sale. She loved to climb on the wagons and in the "shed" built from straw.

It didn't take Carli long to learn the new word "puppy". She ran around the back yard chasing him along Jake & Lucy. A friend, Teresa, suggested the name "Boo" but we didn't really like it. Joe came up with "Boomer" so that became his name. By the end of the long weekend, Carli had learned to say "Boo-uh" and loved playing with him-except when he kissed her in the face!

Carli even picked out her very own pumpkin. It wasn't big enough for her, but it was the one she could pick up on her own.

The weekend before Halloween, a little puppy was brought to school that had been abandoned. One of the students took him home, but found he was not a match for their family. Not wanting the puppy to go to the pound, I agreed to take him home to see if he would get along with our dogs and Carli.

I'm not touching that pumpkin
Joe got a big pumpkin for him and Carli to carve into a Jack 0'lantern. After cutting out a hole in the top, he proceeded to get Carli to help him clean it out. Carli would have no part in that venture! She looked at him as if it say, "You want me to put my hand where and touch what?"
She did kiss it (of course) and did finally touch the top.

But she wasn't happy with the guts that stuck to her finger. So she just watched Joe clean it out and then became fascinated with the end result. She told it goodbye every morning when she left the house.
This year for Halloween, Carli was a dalmation. The idea came to me one night when I was folding her laundry. We had bought a pair of "spotted" pants because they were so close to being dots, which Carli LOVES. As I was folding them one night, I thought they looked like dalmation spots. Joe was easy to convince, since he is a retired fireman.
After finding fabric that matched so closely that it was scary, I made a hooded cape, complete with ears, and a tail to match. Carli loved wearing them so much, they will have to go in her dress up box.
At church, Carli loved running around in the empty parking lot. She ran to all the decorated cars checking out all the decorations. She wasn't afraid of any of them. Inside, she went up and down the stairs on the stage and ran around and around the tables, checking out the various costumes. I was a little afraid she would be scared of some of them, but the scary ones are the ones she loved to check out. She didn't win the costume contest :( but I thought she was the cutest little dalmation in town! After trunk or treating around the parking lot and a quick visit to trick or treat at Grandma & PawPaw's she was one pooped out little puppy!

This year for Halloween, Carli was a dalmation. The idea came to me one night when I was folding her laundry. We had bought a pair of "spotted" pants because they were so close to being dots, which Carli LOVES. As I was folding them one night, I thought they looked like dalmation spots. Joe was easy to convince, since he is a retired fireman.

Before Trunk or Treat at church, I had Austin come home and get into his turn out gear so I could get a picture of "A Fireman and his Dog". Carli didn't like sitting on the ground with him and quickly got up to run away. Austin grabbed her and I was able to quickly snap this picture. I love it!!

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