Looking at Carli's hair the other night, I thought, "Enough of the rat tail and the hair all in her eyes!" So Joe called a friend of his from the Civics Club, Jenni Lynne, who came over tonight to do the deed.

We had Carli stand in a kitchen chair and Joe held her hands. We were not sure how she would react to a strange person cutting her hair. We were really surprised. Carli just stood there, not moving much at all. She let Jenni Lynne cut away. Of course Mommy took pictures to capture the event.

When her hair was cut, Carli enjoyed showing off her new do. I must admit, I really like it! It frames her face and makes her really look like a toddler.

"Look ma, where is my rat tail now?"

All that is left of Carli's rat tail. Saved for her scrapbook!
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