Thursday, December 26, 2013


Carli's preschool was closed today for the Christmas holiday, so I decided it was time to take her to her first movie experience.  She has been watching more and more of the Disney movies that have been coming on TV and moving around less and less.  I thought this was the perfect time to go.
On the way to The Grande, I told Carli that Poppie had taken me to see my first movies in the theater when I was a little girl, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella.  While I don't remember going, I credit him for my love of Disney princesses.  I was a little worried about how she would react since she never sits still for anything very long.

When we got there, she was so excited she almost ran to the doors.  We got popcorn to share and headed to the theater. 

There showed cartoons and clips to keep her entertained while we waited.  And then there were the previews that seemed to go on forever!  Then they showed the funniest cartoon which starred, Mickey Mouse!  (I think that might have been her favorite part.)

Then the actual movie started.  Carli was entranced the whole time.  She never moved except to look at the people around her once in awhile.  She told me afterwards that she loved the movie!

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