The Christmas season began when we were asked to light the Advent wreath at church. Carli did such a good job helping Mommy to light the candle as Daddy read the verses from the Bible. She was fascinated with the flame, but didn't like it when I blew it out.
To help Carli begin to understand why we celebrate Christmas, I bought her her very own Nativity by Fisher Price. She loves playing with it! She can identify most of the characters. She has trouble with the kings. But she likes the angel, mommy, and the baby. She even carried it over to my Nativity and found the donkey and sheep.
The following week, Carli went to Piney Grove to watch the PTA program put on my Mommy's fifth grade students. I'm not sure which she enjoyed more...playing with my kids before and after the program, or the music during the performance.
After school was out for the holidays, Carli entertained with her first ornament making playdate. Cora Panico, and the Burnette kids (Gabe, Eden, & even baby Silas) came over to make hand print ornaments for the tree. We had a good time making the ornaments, eating sugar cookies, and playing.

Then there were the family get togethers! First was at Aunt Cheryl's. Carli was very shy at first, but then wound up and played. She didn't eat much, but did like the chocolate kisses she found when I dropped it on the floor.
Christmas Eve was with the Laws family. Everyone descended upon our house. All day long, Carli enjoyed "helping" Mommy cook...or rather get into everything that she could get into! She did enjoy helping to add the sprinkles to the cookies.
Carli enjoyed the cousins being at her house and really played it up! We discovered real quick that Carli enjoyed opening presents (and knew the word) even if they were not hers.
Carli hamming it up before the gifts were opened.
When everyone left, Austin helped Carli put out cookies and milk for Santa. Then Carli passed out cold, she was so tired!
Christmas morning, Carli was so excited when she walked into the living room and saw more presents. We finally had gotten her to say Santa Claus (or mostly Claus when someone else said Santa), but she didn't understand who he was.
Next up...Carli turns 2! Can you believe it???
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