Lately Carli has had quite a bit of trouble sleeping at night. It all started last Saturday night (Sept. 24th). Joe did their normal nighttime routine...bath, teeth, and story. He then tried to put her to bed just like every other night for over a year. Carli began to scream!! Not the usual crying like "I want to play instead of go to bed" but a blood curdling scream at the top of her lungs! So Joe goes back in and tries to calm her down, unsuccessfully. I had to go in and rock her until she went so deeply asleep, I could put her in her crib. Sunday & Monday nights, same scenario. Another hour of rocking to get her down. Tuesday morning though, she awoke at 5:15 with the same screams and wouldn't go back to sleep.
Tuesday night, it got worse. After rocking her to sleep, Carli slept for about an hour and then awoke to the same screams about 9:30. We tried to bring her to our bed to sleep for a bit. no go. First, we had to turn on a flameless candle because she didn't like the darkness. Then she thought the light meant it was time to play. She would lay down and then pop up. Over and over this happened for over an hour. Finally I just put her in her bed and let her cry. It broke my heart!!!! But afer about 15 minutes, she finally laid down. Quiet at last...but it didn't last. Carli awoke three different times that night-screaming each time. After trying to get her to calm down, I finally gave up and just let her cry it out. After 10 mintues or so, she finally did each time.
Wednesday was better. Carli woke up again about 9:15 but went back to sleep on her own after a couple of minutes. But then at 4, she was screaming again. She wouldn't calm down...probably because she could see the hall light was on from Joe being she got to sleep in the bed with Mommy. No playing this time...right off to sleep.
By the weekend, Carli was still stirring in her sleep, but she was only whimpering for a few minutes. I will be glad when these teeth finally break through.
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