Hard to believe that Carli turned 1 1/2 years old just a few weeks ago. She is really growing and her personality is shining through.

What do I love?
What do I love?
- the way her face lights up when Daddy gets home or when she sees Elmo anywhere!
- hearing her giggle as she plays
- her independence as she eats oatmeal with a spoon
- watching her find her favorites in flowers that she must touch and anything with polka dots
- learning body parts or how to pucker up & give a kiss
- listening to her talk-some words are clear ("here" and a very southern "hey") and some not as often as she once did ("mommy" & "daddy"); adding new words this summer ("bye-bye" & "uh-oh")
- RUNNING through the house just laughing as she chases cats that scurry across the baby gates to get where she can't go
- watching her dance and clap to music
- seeing her pull all the books off the shelf in her room to find just the right book to sit down and read
- her beautiful smile and expressive eyes-she is gonna cause trouble for her daddy when she gets older!
- listening to her snore as she sleeps
- the look on her face as she eats a piece of ice
- her tiny little feet
What drives me crazy?
- pulling everything out of drawers, baskets, paper from the printer...just about anything and everything she can get her hands on.
- struggling to get her to eat... She loves Joe's jalapeno potato chips and my pesto pasta. She could drink her weight in milk if we'd let her..
- Fits of anger when she doesn't get her way or when you have to change a diaper as she rather play.
- waking up at 7am...no more sleeping in during the summer vacations
- teething...will she ever be finished?
Would I change a thing?
Nope...I love her more and more every day. I can't wait to see what is right around the next corner with her.
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