Tuesday, December 27, 2016

First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Early this morning, Carli told me her tooth was a little loose.  After feeling it, I told her it was a little loose and it might take a few days to come out.  She wiggled and wiggled and wiggled it all day.  When Joe got home, he offered to pull it.  It only took a bit for her to agree.  Joe had trouble because it was so small, but he finally got it.  Carli didn't feel a thing.  After putting it into her pillow and going to bed, she awoke to find a five dollar bill complete with pixie dust on it.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

What a busy month this was. It all started with the Christmas program at Morris Chapel.  Carli graduated from the smaller Sunday School groups to the children's program.  She was a camel this year.  It warmed my heart to see her singing those songs.

I surprised Carli one day by being the Mystery Reader in her class.  I read one of my favorite books The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree,

I was blessed to be able to attend Carli's class party this year.  There were crafts and food for all the kids.

Christmas with the Herndon clan was a little smaller this year than other years, but it was great to see those who were able to come.  Carli loves her cousins so much!

Just before Christmas JAM held its annual Pancakes, Pajamas, and Pictures with Santa.  After reassuring Carli she didn't need to sit on his lap, Carli agreed to a picture with Santa.

Then we had Christmas!

cookies for Santa
Christmas Eve was a little different.  Grandbaby Grayson decided he wanted to be born for Christmas.  Dinner was just us, Grandma, and PawPaw.  Austin and Rose arrived after dinner.  Kyle, Hunter and finally Meredith showed up later.

selfie with Princess

Christmas morning, Carli attacked her gifts.  Santa was good to her.

Harper was her favorite

During Sunday School, the children had a birthday party for Jesus.  After church, Poppie came over to celebrate.

Cubs World Series Champs!

Christmas was great.  One more to go with Rose and Austin later this week.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Visit with St. Nick

This was not the best year to visit Santa.  Carli was so excited all week to see him and tell him what she wanted for Christmas.  New dress was made, and a picture for him was drawn.  

When we got to the location, we snapped a few shots of her in her dress outside.  The excitement was huge as she saw Santa looking out the window at her and waving.

Once we got inside though, she became very scared.  She even cried and refused to even look at him.  Good thing Mommy and Daddy had dressed so a family picture could be made.  Carli wouldn't let them go away.  Santa tried everything.  He even took off his red coat and hat to try to make her more comfortable.  He showed her his special key to get into houses where there were no chimneys.  Nothing would change her mind.  Mommy never left her side.  Daddy looked on from the sidelines.

Carli's favorite picture

Telling him what she wanted, but not looking at him.

Carli's Santa picture

Until next year...Merry Christmas!
