With Carli's last sore throat, the doctor thought she might need her tonsils out because there didn't seem to be much room in her mouth for them. After a trip to an ENT, he agreed. So off we went to the Medical Center to have both her tonsils and adenoids taken out.
We had to be at the hospital EARLY in the morning. We literally took her out of her bed and went to the hospital. After taking her vitals, Carli sat back and waited.
The nurse gave Carli a gown and a cute little hat. Carli thought it was the funniest thing.
Shortly after this picture, Carli began to get really scared. She began to cry and begged to go home. Joe took her for a walk to the end of the hallway to calm her down. Finally, it was time to go to the operating room. The nurse carried her while they wheeled her bed to the OR.
After what seemed like hours (actually less than thirty minutes), we were told the surgery was over. Then I had to wait forever to be allowed to go back to her. When I got there, it was awful! When she came out of anesthesia, she began to scream and thrash about. Nothing would calm her down. I tried and tried. Finally, Joe was allowed back and that seemed to calm her down. She was so drugged up she couldn't even keep her eyes open to eat the "purple" Popsicle they brought her.
After the drugs began to wear off, she got sick from the anesthesia. Purple Popsicle went everywhere, including on Nite-Nite. This upset her. It didn't take long for this to wear off and she was happy and comfy sitting in the chair watching cartoons until they let her go home.
Finally, about 10:00, they let her go. The nurses gave her a cute bear to take home with her.Then came her favorite part, the ride to the car in the wheel chair. She was so funny. She wouldn't even touch the ground while getting out of the chair and into the car. The nurses were great!
When she got home, she must have been feeling pretty good. She ate a yogurt smoothie, several cheese doodles (daddy gave them to her) and half a strawberry/yogurt popsicle. The hardest part became giving her the pain meds. They tasted AWFUL! We struggled every day giving it to her.
The day after surgery, Carli went to the open check out at the library. Here, Mrs. Strange is reading with her. |
After her pain meds kicked in one morning. Girl loves to take selfies. |
Found she really liked icees. |