Joe and I can hardly believe that it has been 4 years since Carli was born. She has changed our lives so much!
This year, we celebrated Carli's birthday not only with family, but some of her friends. We had her party at one of her favorite places to go: the McDonald's in Walkertown. After lots of playing and running, the kids ate Happy Meals. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Carli and then had Hello Kitty birthday cake and ice cream. Finally Carli opened her presents.
Cora, Merry, Carli |
Carli, Rory, Henry, Cora, Merry |
On her birthday, we took raisins to school to share with her friends. She made a birthday hat to wear and got a heart bracelet from the prize box.
That evening, we had one of her favorites for dinner, spaghetti. It was finished off with a cupcake (her favorite). Then she got to open her bigger gift from Joe and me. We got her a big girl doll and an outfit for her to wear. I hope she and "Savannah" will have many years of playing together.
Happy Birthday, my precious little girl!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
20 questions* : answered by Carli on January 8, 2014
1. What is your favorite color? pink
2. What is your favorite toy? Hello Kitty
3. What is your favorite fruit? pears
4. What is your favorite TV show? Sophia
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? noodles
6. What is your favorite outfit? Hello Kitty shirt and hat
7. What is your favorite game? Candy Land
8. What is your favorite snack? pears
9. What is your favorite animal? pandas
10. What is your favorite song? Away in the Manager
11. What is your favorite book? Pete the Cat
12. Who is your best friend? Merry & Avery
13. What is your favorite cereal? chocolate Cheerios
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play on the playground and swing
15. What is your favorite drink? chocolate milk
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Hello Kitty & nite nite
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pop Tarts (especially chocolate)
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? cupcakes
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? a firefighter

Watching cartoons with Savannah |