Halloween this year with Carli was so much fun! The weeks before, they talked about it in preschool quite a bit. I was busy working on her costume. She talks about Snow White so much that I thought this would be the perfect costume. I searched all over trying to find the pattern, but finally ended up buying it off E-Bay. As I worked on it, I showed her my progress. She was so excited. When it was ready, she couldn't wait to try it on.
Joe took her for a trial run with Grandma and PawPaw. She was so happy to show it to them. Then it was finally October 31st.
After dinner, Carli got dressed and it was time for pictures. She loves to have her picture made. Then we loaded up the car and headed to Poppie's house. All the way over, she kept saying "trick or treat". But when we got to his house, she was so shy and wouldn't say anything. She even hid her face in her pumpkin.
Next we headed to Aunt Cheryl's. Carli wouldn't really talk there. I had to trick HER so I could get a picture of her with Cheryl by telling her that I was taking candy from her bucket. That got a smile out of her.
We headed to Aunt Nancy's next. The skeleton on the wall of "Nana's" house danced whenever someone moved. Carli thought this was the funniest thing. She kept running up to it so it would dance.
Finally, we headed back into our neighborhood to hit a few houses. By this time, Carli had no trouble saying "trick or treat" when she got to the doors. She had so much fun. Her biggest trouble came at home when she as told she could only have one piece to eat. The decision was so hard...
Joe was worried that he would have trouble getting her into bed, but Carli fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Can't wait to see what next year brings...