Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving this year with Carli was a blessing! She is growing up so fast and learning so much. Now that she is in Preschool, she is learning everything that her brain can collect.

On Friday, November 16th, Carli's class had their feast.  I was able to go and enjoy a "little" lunch with her.  Carli on the other hand, would eat only a marshmallow from her lunch.  She wouldn't stay in her seat either.  Too much going on for her.  She wanted to read, play, and run down the hall.

really checking it out

Thanksgiving Day was busy.  Carli enjoyed watching some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  She loved seeing Elmo and the rest of the Sesame Street gang since. She danced with the Rockettes.   She enjoyed seeing the big balloons floating above the city.

Later in the day, we went to "Mee-nah's" for lunch.  Carli ate blueberries while the rest of the family feasted on turkey and all the fixings.  She played with everything she could get her hands on. She loved seeing her brother.  After lunch, she ate Daddy's dessert when Aunt JoAnn stole it from him when he left the room.  (Bet he doesn't do that again.)  After a busy day, she crashed on the way home!

on the way to Grandma & Pawpaw's

eating Daddy's dessert

so tired after a long day!
Next on the horizon is Christmas!  That will be a busy time of the year.  Can't wait to see how she is this year.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Trick or Treat"

This year, Carli was excited about Halloween.  She started learning all about it in preschool earlier in the month.  Everything was "spooky" to her and she loved it.

Joe began putting out his Halloween decorations and Carli became fascinated with the "scary man" in the basement.  It was actually "the Butler" that our neighbors gave Joe when they tired of him.  Carli wanted to go see him every day, but when Joe would take her down, Carli would begin to scream.  So...the Butler stayed in the basement this year.  (I was glad, because I hate him!)

The days leading up to Halloween we began to teach Carli to say "trick or treat".  She already understood that she would get candy.  We also told her she would be a ghost.  It didn't take long for her to catch on.

After dinner on Halloween, we got Carli dressed in her costume.  First thing she said, "I'm a princess."  She loved her costume!  We were off to get candy.  After going to a couple of neighbors, we went to visit all family.  Carli did a good job saying, "tick or teat," to most of them.  She loved putting her costume on and off (the easiest way to get her in the carseat) and getting candy.

It was a great Halloween!
