The holiday season began with Carli's first preschool performance. Due to my health issues, I was unable to attend, but Joe was there ready to go with the camera. Carli was good, until she saw him. Then she wouldn't stay with her group, teachers, or sing the songs (which she knew and sang over and over at home!). She kept running back and forth from the class to Joe.
When the tree was put up, Carli was fascinated with it. She took ornaments off over and over again. She loved to look at the lights around town and kissing the Tigger and Pooh blowups in our yard.
Next up, was the Christmas program at church. This year, the two year olds were singing and doing motions to "Away in a Manger". Carli knew these and did them all the time at home. But, like in preschool, when it came time for the performance, she only stood there dancing around.
The Saturday before Christmas was the Herndon family get together. Carli was a little shy since she didn't really know everyone that was there, but she played and had a good time.
Christmas Eve was the Laws family get together. Carli loved seeing her cousins again and playing with them. She really loved getting presents and new toys to play with!
It is a Minnie Mouse vacuum! |
making sure Uncle Kyle doesn't miss anything! |
notice she is now wearing her new outfit! |
add to read her book |
love the easel! |
reading with Austin |
Next year should be even better!