Friday, October 7, 2011

My Little Thief!

Last night after dinner, Carli found a bag of TGIF chips that were on the table. She quickly proceeded to pull them down, sat on the floor, and began to eat them. At one point she even "hid" under that table.
After eating several, she must have thought eating them from the bag was too much work, so she dumped them onto the floor. Not wanting them to go to waste, we let Lucy in to clean them up. This made Lucy happy, until Carli decided she wanted to help Lucy eat them. Carli began to pick them up and give them to Lucy. Lucy didn't like that much, so she ran to the couch and laid down. Not good enough for Carli who thought Lucy needed them, so Carli took them to her.

It wasn't enough for Carli to just give them to her, so she then began to feed her.

Carli sure does love her Lucy!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It Is Fair Time!

Today, we took Carli to the Dixie Classic Fair for the first time. We couldn't wait to see how she reacted. After nap time, we got her dressed and took off. While Joe got tickets, Carli and I waited outside the entrance sign. She kept looking around and around at all the people and the sights.
When we got inside, Carli's eyes were wide as she looked around at everything. She kept pointed to everything! She loved almost everything she saw. Everytime she heard music, she was rocking that stroller back and forth.
We walked around and around looking for rides that Carli would be able to ride. We were beginning to give up when we saw these little jalopies on a track. Joe rode with Carli. She enjoyed them for a bit, but I think they went around a couple of times too many. That is when she tried to get out.
Next we found the carousel. This was more her speed. Carli and I found a cute white horse and climbed on. As it started to move, Carli began to smile and laugh and laugh. She laughed just about the whole time we rode. I think that if we tried, she would have ridden it again and again.

Next we went to the animal farm. Carli went inside the petting zoo and fed carrots to the billy goats and the llama. Joe said there was no fear in her. She just gave that carrot to each one and giggled. Next we went into the sheep area and saw the sheep owned by friends of ours at church. She was given permission to pet one of the bunnies when she promptly wanted to kiss. Too bad, she was at the wrong end of the bunny to kiss. After petting him, he hopped off, leaving behind a little "gift" for Carli-which we didn't let her keep.
After dinner from the Walkertown Civics Club, we headed home. Joe and I thought she would fall asleep since it was almost bedtime, but Carli played and played all the way home. I believe she had a good time and will want to go again!
