Last Sunday was the Easter Egg hunt at church. Carli had a blast. She understood the collecting of the eggs, but she couldn't quite grasp the idea of puttin gthem in her basket. She was content to just run with them. We tried to put her on the slide, but she did not like it. So off she went. Carli also had fun with her friends, Rory and Cora, who also came to the hunt.
On Easter Sunday, Carli went straight for her basket. She got a collection of toys for the sandbox she will have this summer, two new books, and some crayons. Of course, she went straight for the book. She also got a new dress from Grandma and a basket of goodies (and two more books) from her Aunt Joann.
After church, the family went to Grandma's for lunch. Carli enjoyed prancing around in the backyard in her new dress. She thought it was fun to run away from Daddy. She was fussy for a bit because she really needed a nap! And of course, she fell right asleep on the way home.
Click the link below to see a quick video of Easter pics.
Easter 2011