Friday, November 26, 2010
Our Christmas Card
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
Saturday, was a big day for the Laws family! First we got notification from DSS that Carli's adoption was indexed in the state. We will be able to petition the state of Arizona soon for a new birth certificate with her name on it. Then we can get her SS card and other things that we couldn't do until we had the BC.
Later that evening, we went to Belews Blast at the lake. For those that don't know, this is a large fireworks show at the lake. Before the show, Carli played on the blanket with her ball and her buddy from church, Michael. It was so funny to watch them play with each other. I had never seen her do this before.
We were a little nervous about how Carli would take to the noise of the fireworks going off. We knew she would love to watch them because she loves everything that moves. We were not disappointed. Carli didn't care about the noise at all. She sat in Joe's lap and watched every pop and color of the fireworks. Finally they were over and Carli fell asleep on the ride home.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Month of Firsts!!!
Next came butternut squash. Carli liked this one too. We added rice cereal to a few servings and she ate with gusto.
Next...banana. The first bite-what is this!!!??? The second bite-Carli spit out. Then she refused to open her mouth at all. We thought she would not like it, but decided to give it another try the next day. She ate every bite!
Carli also began to sleep in the big girl bed this month. Prior to this, Carli was sleeping in a Moses bed in our room. I enjoyed being able to hear her breath and move since she was so close. I also enjoyed being able to get to her quickly when she awoke at night wanting to eat. One night last week, I was staying up to read. Carli didn't want to go to sleep. She would lay there playing with her foot hiked up on the side of the basket. Then she began to look at me and eat at the side. I told her that she had to sleep so she was going to the big girl bed. Within minutes, Carli was asleep. She has been sleeping there every night since. But she will NOT take a nap in there. She will just cry and cry. What is the difference???
Finally, we bought Carli her very own little wading pool. At first, Carli didn't know what to think of the big tub of water. After just a few minutes, she began to laugh and play while trying to splash around. She even tried to sit up alone while in the water. At one point though, she fell over onto her side. After just a second of "what have I done" Carli began to play yet again. I believe we have a little dolphin here. Can't wait to get her into a big pool and see what she does.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Jeff & Nancy Laws...50 years!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mother's Day Weekend
The weekend began with a day off so I could take Carli to see Dr. Walker for her 4 month checkup. She has doubled her weight from birth, weighing 13 pounds 8 ounces and is 24 inches long. She did well with her shots, fussing for only a few minutes. She didn't get a fever that day or sleep any differently. We enjoyed some mother/daughter time that afternoon.
Dr. Walker told us to start Carli on rice cereal that evening. So for dinner we mixed the cereal with milk and fed her. She did pretty well. She got it all over her face and hands. She seemed to enjoy it after making a few very funny faces.
Saturday began with more cereal. We left it a little less runny and Carli inhaled it! After breakfast, Daddy, Joe, Carli, and I went to the Spring Follies in town. We thought about how much fun Carli would have with the rides and petting zoo when she was older. We just enjoyed walking around and finding a few things we "couldn't live without." I bought a pink tutu for Carli. Joe asked what I was going to do with something like that...but I imagined wonderful pictures and how much fun she would have later playing dress up with it.
At church, all new mothers brought their babies into the service and were recognized. Tammy called me to the front with a huge smile on her face. She (above all) knew exactly how I was feeling! We were given a special flower and congratulated on our new babies.
It was a bittersweet day. I missed my mom terribly today. I know that she is smiling down from heaven watching me have a wonderful day with my little girl. I am thankful for everything she taught me and hope that I can pass on those wonderful lessons to my little girl. Thank you Mom!
Sunday, April 11, 2010

That afternoon, Joe planted Carli's rose in the front yard as a reminder of this special day.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Back to Work!
My wonderful sister-in-laws, Nancy, is keeping her. I have the ideal situation in the mornings. Nancy will drop off Hunter at KMS and then stop to pic up Carli, before taking Meredith to WES. Meredith loves begin with her cousin and will feed her on the way to school.
Wouldn't you know that I have a meeting everyday for 3 days!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Carli Comes Home!
We had no trouble with Carli boarding. We were worried because we had no birth certificate, but they didn't even ask for one. They only asked how old she was. We were lucky in that the flight was not full so we were able to take her carseat on board with us. (Thanks Margaret for the idea.) We waited until we were taking off to give her the bottle to help her ears with the air pressure. After that it was burping and changing. She then slept all the way to Nashville. Joe and I were the ones nervous. I have never had panic attacks flying before, but this time I had one. I guess I was worried that something would happen with Carli. We sat on the plane in Nashville for about 30 minutes before it was boarded again and we took off for Raleigh. It took less than an hour to get back to good old NC! Daddy, Cheryl and Austin were waiting for us when we arrived. It sure was good to see them all.

When we got home, Grandma and PaPa were waiting for us. Balloons had been tied to the mailbox and were inside. Everyone couldn't wait to get their hands on Carli. Later the rest of the Laws family came by for a visit and brought dinner. The Heath's also popped in. It was good to be home with our little girl and her big brother!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Carli Elizabeth Is Born!!!

Friday 1/22: Carli is 2 weeks old today!! Carli should be weaned to 30% today. If all goes well, they will stop giving it to her on Sunday. The we should be discharged next week if she doesn't set back!!! HOME later next week!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 1/24: Carli is still at 30%. We had hoped they would take her off the morphine today, but the nurses didn't give her good scores yesterday. One took points because she woke up early and wanted to eat. She is doing a little better today. Hopefully they will drop her off tomorrow and we will be on our way home later this week!
Tuesday 1/26: Carli is completely weaned!!! If all goes well these next few days, we will be released Wednesday. Joe and I made our flight reservations for Thursday morning. Keep your fingers crossed. Today we took Carli for her first stroller ride around the NICU.